Sunday, January 14, 2007

Third time's the charm....

Yesterday I took a group of 43 kids to see FAMILY FEUD!!! My butt is still broken, so it was painful, but fun! We saw one family make $20,000! WAY cool. The kids earned about $400 from going (cuz they PAY their studio audiences!!), so we're going to get some new music or something.

Right after that, I had a date with Mark. He came over, and we were GOING to have a nice dinner. I was going to make hamboogers, with all the fixin's, chips and soda. I was gonna make my hamuggers on my little George Foreman grill, and then we were going to watch The Red Violin. Well, I kept getting side tracked with other stuff and forgot to make the hamboogers and then all of a sudden, my doorbell rang!!! I opened the door, but noone was there! I looked down and saw a box of hot chocolate, and a single red rose=D I took the money and ran, but before I could close and lock the door, Mark stuck his foot in the door and then rammed his way in, demanding his food NOW.

OOPS! I forgot to start the burgers! So I put em on. They were ready in upawards of 30 seconds. Go George! My kitchen was smelling yummy!!! I was HUNNNNNGGGGRRRRYYYY, so I got out plates and realized I threw away the buns with the cat litter by accident.....

So, we went to the store to get new buns. We got back to my house and started making our burgers when I realized I was out of katsoup!!!!!! OUT OF KATSOUP!!!! ARE YOU KIDDDING ME???? COME ON!!!!!! So we went back to the store to get it. Mark by this point, needed to be hospitalized due to lack of nutrients, but when we did finally eat it was SUPER yummy. The burgers were super done, but not crunchy. Nobody likes a crunchy burger...or so I'm told.

Oh, and if you ever have the chance, WATCH THE RED VIOLIN. And don't forget to put on the subtitles, k?



Mark said...
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Random Musings said...

OK so when do I meet this dude? Ha ha dude?

Mark said...

The burgers were great. I had a great it's my turn to cook again tonight. Yikes! I hope I can hold up my end of the bargain.

Oh -- and we're going to watch "Last of the Dogmen" -- it's a cowboy chick-flick.

Mark said...

wait...wait...wait...wait...wait...ummm...yeah....why do I hear the sound of a cat eating?

Golly you're great!