Monday, January 8, 2007

Coolest First Date EVER!

So, I met this guy named Markaliscious (Mark 4 short). This was the coolest first date I've EVER been on! Very cool guy.

So this coolest first date: We started out at a pizza place where we had the YUMMIEST barbecue chicken pizza. Then Mark and I went to a shooting range where I learned how to shoot a gun! WOOHOO!!! I'm a badass now, and I'm thinking that since I want to pack some heat ALL the time, I may as well become a cop!!! Besides, they make more money than I do now AND they get to shoot people! YEAH! I could totally see myself rocking the streets of riverside!!!

G'night for now!


Mark said...

yeah, so this guy name Mark thinks that you're Jess-a-licious.

So there is this guy named Markalicious who is completely impressed by this gal named Jesalicious. She completely kicked the crap out of a guy who tried to rob her. She kicked his ass and Markalicious thinks that she rocks in all sorts of different ways.
Any other time in his life and he would have walked right past her. But given the set of circumstances that they were in, he stopped to get to know her and he's hooked, he's ready to hear the rest of the story. He thinks that she's great and he's ready for what comes next....although he doesn't know what that is.
He wants to see her again, more than he's ever wanted to see anybody else ever again. And he loves the way she feels in his arms. He absolutely loves it. He wants to know that feeling again -- 'cause she's great...oh, but she's great.
Markalicious has never been this forward with a fact he's trying something new, but it seems that things seem to be working for him. He's going to keep continuing on the current path with Jessalicous and her pets, and enjoying things as much as possible until he finds a way to make her his.
Markalicious wants to know more about Jessaalicious and spend more time with her. A lot more time with her

Anonymous said...

AWww I like Mark-a-licious already!!...